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Parvovirus Outbreak in Windsor Area! If your pet is not up-to-date on vaccinations, act now—contact us to schedule a vaccine check.


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US Pet Travel Guidelines
US Pet Travel Guidelines

US Pet Travel Guidelines

As of August 1, 2024, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has implemented new regulations concerning the entry of pets into the USA.

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Top 2 Vet Emergencies to Watch For
Top 2 Vet Emergencies to Watch For

Top 2 Vet Emergencies to Watch For

While we’re busy entertaining guests, our cats and dogs seize the opportunity to eat up any leftover foods or items we may have accidentally left behind.

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February is Dental Month
February is Dental Month

February is Dental Month

Most of us don’t think twice about brushing our teeth a couple of times a day or going to the dentist for a check-up and cleaning every six months or so

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My Dog Ate Chocolate – Should I Worry?
My Dog Ate Chocolate – Should I Be Worried?

My Dog Ate Chocolate – Should I Worry?

 It is especially common for dogs to find their way into chocolate during holidays like Halloween, Christmas, or Easter.

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Cannabis and Your Pets
Cannabis and Your Pets

Cannabis and Your Pets

New laws regarding the legal consumption of marijuana, or cannabis, in Ontario has led to an increase in exposure of the drug to family pets

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Cannabis Products for Pets: A Guide
Cannabis Products for Pets: A Guide

Cannabis Products for Pets: A Guide

It is no surprise that pet owners are growing curious about the applications of cannabis and cannabis-related products for the health and welfare of their pets. 

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Rethinking Grain-Free Dog Food
Rethinking Grain-Free Dog Food

Rethinking Grain-Free Dog Food

Many dog owners are bombarded by messages from certain pet food brands advocating for grain free diets as a way to tackle allergies and weight gain.

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Ouch, My Belly Hurts!
Ouch, My Belly Hurts!

Ouch, My Belly Hurts!

With the holidays just around the corner, our animal family members tend to take advantage of the hustle and bustle.

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COVID-19 and Your Pet
COVID-19 and Your Pet

COVID-19 and Your Pet

Please see below for our hospital policies regarding communication, COVID-19 screening, admitting patients, billing and wait times.

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Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

This virus is not the same coronavirus that can cause the common cold in humans, nor is it the same as canine coronavirus (CCoV).

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